For reasons of clarity, only those grid elements are published that are used as horizontal transfer points within the meshed 380/220-kV grid. This is why the following grid elements are not published:
- electrical circuits of spur lines that are not meshes in the 380-kV or 220-kV transmission system and
- 380/220-kV transformers that only supply an isolated 220-kV grid or are only connected to the 380-kV grid via third parties.
Lines that connect power plants, pumped storage stations, offshore wind farms and other grid customers to the transmission system are not shown as a rule. However, electrical circuits that are used as tap points for 380-kV or 220-kV nodes with direct connections to onshore wind farms are included in the static grid model.
In principle, the 380-kV or 220-kV grid nodes are operated in coupled mode. In order to avoid short-circuits and ensure stability, individual grid nodes can also be operated in separated mode. This is indicated in the line parameters by the numbering of the start and end points of the electrical circuit, e.g. using the descriptions "from A to B1" or "from A to B2". Grid node A is coupled in this case, whereas grid node B is operated with the separated nodes B1 and B2.
The static grid model is updated at least once at the end of the year retrospectively or in case of structural changes in the 50Hertz transmission system.
The data table of the static grid model as well as the corresponding grid map are available under the download menu at the end of this page.