An actual line construction project for which the need was determined, goes through different planning and licensing processes on its way to realisation. First, the authorities verify whether the course planned for the high voltage line is compatible with the spatial planning allocations. For line projects covering more than one federated state, the federal sector planning applies.
Overhead lines, which are planned and constructed inside a single federated state, follow the regional planning procedure. The state verifies whether the project is compatible with spatial planning allocations. To this end, the relevant spatial planning authority involves all possible representatives of public interests (cities, municipalities, competent authorities, environmental associations, etc.). Usually, the general public is involved as well. Having checked the spatial planning issues, the state's spatial planning authority draws up a state planning assessment. This assessment provides a route corridor of several hundred metres in width, in which 50Hertz studies the possible course of the actual line, possible tower positions and the environmental effects in the subsequent plan approval procedure.