Line route
The overhead line project will have a total length of 25 to 30 kilometres and consists of two parts: the construction of a new line is planned between the existing substation near Trebbin (1) via a yet to be approved substation site to the west of Blankenfelde-Mahlow (2) up to the substation near Kleinziethen that is currently being build (3).
This new line will be a 380-kV overhead line that will replace the existing 220-kV overhead line from the 1970s. The plans are based as closely as possible on the existing route. Deviations from the current route shall be reviewed, for instance to unburden residential areas, conserve nature or enable the bunding with other linear infrastructure (such as streets, railways, etc.)
To the west of Blankenfeld-Mahlow, a new overhead line will branch out towards Berlin-Lichterfelde (4). The course of the new 380-kV overhead line will orient itself towards the new substation to be built to the west of Blankenfelde-Mahlow. We are still looking for suitable site locations for this substation. This part of the line ends at a terminal tower at the Berlin-Brandenburg city limit (5) and continues as an underground cable in the Berlin area as a separate line project.
To apply for the planning approval under § 19 of the Grid Expansion Acceleration Act (Netzausbaubeschleunigungsgesetz, NABEG), route variants have now been developed and submitted to the Federal Network Agency (Bundesnetzagentur, BNetzA):