As a transmission system operator, we transport electrical energy over long distances with maximum voltages of 150, 220 and 380 kilovolts (kV). Our high voltage grid has a power circuit length of more than 10,000 kilometres - that is the distance from Berlin to Rio de Janeiro. In our substations and switching stations we exchange electricity with the distribution network operators - transformers convert the voltage level between high and extra-high voltage. Large generating plants, pump storage facilities and highly energy-intensive industrial plants such as steel production are directly connected to our extra-high voltage grid.
We are constantly adapting and expanding our transmission grid to according to needs, keep it in operating condition and repairing damage caused by age or, for example, severe weather. When expanding the grid, 50Hertz acts sustainably and conserves the natural and environmental resources. We only build as many new lines as are actually necessary. With our responsibility for nature and environment, we compensate necessary interventions in nature with appropriate compensation measures and give habitat and cultural landscapes back to Society. In 2017, we fully commissioned the newly built South-West Interconnector from Saxony-Anhalt via Thuringia to Bavaria together with our neighbouring transmission system operator Tennet. It is primarily used to transport renewable energy from the North-East to the consumption centres in southern Germany. Thanks to the transmission capacity of this line, expensive interventions due to grid congestion have been significantly reduced.
Moreover, 50Hertz is planning the high-voltage direct current (HVDC) power link in a joint project with Tennet. The grid connection points are Wolmirstedt near Magdeburg (federal state of Saxony-Anhalt) and Isar near Landshut (federal state of Bavaria), where converters will transform alternating current (AC) into direct current (DC) and vice versa. In addition, 50Hertz connects offshore wind farms in the Baltic Sea with its grid. To this end, we build and operate offshore substations, partly in cooperation with the wind farm operators, which convert wind energy to a higher voltage for onshore transport level with minimal power losses. From there, the electricity is transported to our onshore substations through our submarine cables.
More about our grid