As a hybrid offshore interconnector between Denmark and Germany, Bornholm Energy Island is a project of common interest (PCI) of the states of the European Union. The project has been taken into account as European project no. 1106 in the ten-year plan for European grid development (TYNDP 2022) by the Association of European Transmission System Operators for Electricity. Based on this, the national grid development plan (NDP) will be developed, presented for public discussion and consolidated. Bornholm Energy Island is included as project P640 in the NDP 2037/2045 (2023), the BEI interconnector Bornholm - Germany as measure M901a. You can find more detailed information at and
The construction of the power line is an infrastructure measure that affects many interests along the way, such as development, agriculture and nature conservation. As part of the statutory approval process, these interests are weighed up against each other and balanced as far as possible. To this end, the permits are supplemented by a large number of ancillary provisions, compliance with which minimizes the impact on the marine environment, safety for shipping and air traffic as well as local residents and tourism.
The planned route in the German section can probably run largely within corridors that are already spatially regulated and parallel to other 50Hertz offshore grid connection systems. It is therefore not necessary to carry out a spatial impact assessment. This was confirmed by the higher regional planning authority.
Approval EEZ
The submarine cable of the interconnector runs through the areas of responsibility of various approval authorities. The Stralsund Mining Authority and the Federal Maritime and Hydrographic Agency (BSH) are responsible for approvals in the Baltic Sea EEZ. The approval of the submarine cable route is carried out there in accordance with the Federal Mining Act (BBergG).
Coastal sea permit
A planning approval procedure (PFV) is required for the submarine cable in coastal waters. The responsible authority is the Ministry of Economics, Infrastructure, Tourism and Labor of Mecklenburg-Vorpommern. The legal basis for the planning approval is the Energy Industry Act (EnWG).
Approval of land route
The land route is approved in a planning approval procedure with three components:
1. the cable feed into the already approved and constructed cable conduit system from the landing at Vierow harbor to the Stilow substation,
2. a new cable route from the Stilow substation to the site of the new substation and converter plant,
3. the connection of the new substation and converter plant to the existing 380 kV overhead line.
According to the current status, a planning approval procedure is being carried out for the land cable route and the overhead line connection in the state of Mecklenburg-Vorpommern. The Ministry of Economics, Infrastructure, Tourism and Labor of Mecklenburg-Vorpommern is responsible for approving the land line.
Approval of transformer and converter system
An application for a permit for the transformer and converter plant will be submitted to the State Office for Agriculture and the Environment of Western Pomerania in accordance with the Federal Immission Control Act.