Customers who wish to consume electricity from the system of 50Hertz or feed into it conclude a grid use contract with 50Hertz. Based on meter counts, the electricity consumed by the customer is charged for on the basis of the price list for grid use.
On 16/04/2015, the Federal Network Agency (BNetzA) made a decision on the grid use contract / supplier framework agreement for electricity consumption. The model contract annexed to the BNetzA decision is binding.
The Federal Network Agency nevertheless granted the system operators some individual flexibility of which 50Hertz made use. To this effect, 50Hertz offers a model grid use contract for consuming customers (end consumers, suppliers) as well as for customers with existing feed-in and consumption. The adjustments made to the contract texts by 50Hertz are limited to the absolutely required minimum. The changes ensure that particularities of the settlement for grid use at the transmission system level are taken into account.
On 20/12/2017, the Federal Network Agency made its decision to adjust the grid use contract / supplier framework contract to the requirements of the Act on the Digitisation of the Energy Transition (ref.: BK6-17-168). As such, it takes into account the legal amendments as a result of the entry into force of the Metering Point Operation Act.
The Federal Network Agency published its decision (ref.: BK6-17-168) and its current grid use contract here.