Federal sectoral planning: application conference on 24 September 2014
As the competent authority for the procedure, the Federal Network Agency (FNA) held an application conference for the federal sectoral planning on 24 September 2014 in the city hall of Torgelow. The application conference is held to determine the study scope for the application for federal sectoral planning (according to § 8 of the Grid Expansion Acceleration Act (NABEG)). To this end, 50Hertz drew up documents (application for a permit as per § 6 NABEG), which were published by the Federal Network Agency.
In an overview of all route corridor variants with bundling opportunities, 50Hertz summarised the different options determined for a route corridor. The analysis of the available spatial planning data allowed the identification of three basic trajectories in combination with existing infrastructures: with the highway in the east, along the existing high voltage transmission line in the centre and along an existing 110 kV overhead line in the west. As a result of intersections, a total of 13 variants resulted for a possible project corridor.
The application conference was the first major step in the authorisation procedure. At the conference, the determined variants for the route corridor were explained and discussed. By involving all relevant regional institutions and the public, the Federal Network Agency determines which documents 50Hertz should edit before final official assessment. After the application documents have been drawn up in conformity with § 8 of the NABEG, the citizens and representatives of public interests will be able to consult the final planning documents for the last time in the scope of a formal participation procedure and express their objections and suggestions.
In conclusion of the federal sectoral planning, the FNA determines an environmentally compatible corridor with a width of 500 to 1000 metres, depending on local circumstances. The course of the corridor and the overhead line interconnection point between the federated states become part of the federal grid plan and are therefore binding for the subsequent planning and authorisation procedure.
A final route layout with exact pylon positions and heights can only be drawn up in the second phase of the authorisation procedure, i.e. the plan approval procedure initiated following the federal sectoral planning. In this planning and authorisation phase, the participation of the directly affected land owners plays an important role, as following the final route layout, the temporary or permanent use of the land can be considered and assessed in specific detail.
The regulations under which the overhead line construction is requested are laid down in the Grid Expansion Acceleration Act (NABEG), in the Federal Requirements Plan Act and other legislation. More information on the procedure can be found on the website of the NABEG and the federal sectoral planning.